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File: FinderRegistry.h
Contains: Classes, properties and data types used by the Scriptable Finder
Written by: Francis Stanbach & Greg Anderson
Copyright: © 1991-4 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
To Do:
#define FinderRegistry_h
// Gestalt Selector
#define gestaltFinderSelector 'fndr'
#define gestaltFinderCallsAEProcess 2
#define gestaltOSLCompliantFinder 3
// Finder Suite
// The old Finder Event suite was 'FNDR'
// The new suite is 'fndr'
#define kAEFinderSuite 'fndr'
// Finder Events
#define kAECleanUp 'fclu'
#define kAEEject 'ejct'
#define kAEEmpty 'empt'
#define kAEErase 'fera'
#define kAEGestalt 'gstl'
#define kAEPutAway 'ptwy'
#define kAERebuildDesktopDB 'rddb'
#define kAERestart 'rest'
#define kAEShutDown 'shut'
#define kAESnooze 'snoz' // Go to sleep
#define kAEUpdate 'fupd'
// Classes
#define cFinder cApplication // the finder object ≈ null
#define cDisk 'cdis'
#define cFolder 'cfol'
#define cTrash 'ctrs'
#define cDesktop 'cdsk'
#define cContainer 'ctnr' // Disks, folders, trashes, desktops, suitcases
#define cSharableContainer 'sctr' // Disks and folders
#define cSuitcase 'stcs'
#define cFontSuitcase 'fsut'
#define cAccessorySuitcase 'dsut'
#define cAliasFile 'alia'
#define cApplicationFile 'appf'
#define cDocumentFile 'docf'
#define cControlPanel 'ccdv'
#define cDeskAccessoryFile 'dafi'
#define cSoundFile 'sndf'
#define cFontFile 'fntf'
#define cDemiWindow 'dwnd' // Content space: includes desktop window & other windows
#define cContainerWindow 'cwnd'
#define cInfoWindow 'iwnd'
#define cSharingWindow 'swnd'
#define cStatusWindow 'qwnd' // Empty trash progress, 'copy' window
#define cPrivilege 'priv'
#define cGestalt 'cgst'
#define cProcess 'prcs' // Information about a process running on this machine (like cApplication)
#define cAccessoryProcess 'pcda'
#define cApplicationProcess 'pcap'
#define cEntireContents 'ects'
#define cIconFamily 'ifam'
// User and groups:
#define cUser 'cuse'
#define cGroup 'sgrp'
// Properties
// Properties of cObject:
#define pComment 'comt'
#define pContainer cContainer // The container the object is stored in
#define pCreationDate 'crtd'
#define pDemiWindow cDemiWindow
#define pDisk cDisk // the disk the object is stored on
#define pIconBitmap 'iimg'
#define pInformationWindow cInfoWindow // Get info window
#define pStatusWindow cStatusWindow // Status window (copy, empty trash, rebuild desktop database)
#define pIsLocked 'islk'
#define pIsSelected 'issl'
#define pKind 'kind'
#define pModificationDate 'modd'
#define pPhysicalSize 'phys'
#define pPosition 'posn'
#define pSize pPointSize // both are called "Size" in their respective terminologies, so they must have the same four-character code
#define pWindow cWindow
// Properties of cFile:
#define pCreatorType 'fcrt'
#define pFileType 'fitp'
#define pVersion2 'ver2'
// Properties of cAliasFile:
#define pOriginalItem 'orig' // Item pointed to by alias
// Properties of cApplicationFile:
#define pAppPartition 'appt'
#define pSuggestedAppPartition 'sprt'
#define pMinAppPartition 'mprt'
// Properties of cContainer:
#define pContainerWindow cContainerWindow // Window that contains children
#define pEntireContents cEntireContents
#define pLabelIndex 'labi'
#define pExpanded 'pexp' // Same as kAEExpanded
#define pExpandable 'pexa'
#define pCompletelyExpanded 'pexc'
#define pSharingWindow cSharingWindow // Sharing window
#define pView 'pvew'
#define pPreviousView 'svew' // The last listwindow (non-icon) view
#define pSharing 'shar'
#define pSharingProtection 'spro'
#define pExported 'sexp'
#define pMounted 'smou'
#define pInheritedPrivileges 'iprv' // "Same as enclosing" checkbox
#define pOwner 'sown'
#define pGroup cGroup
#define pOwnerPrivileges 'ownr'
#define pGroupPrivileges 'gppr'
#define pGuestPrivileges 'gstp'
// Properties of cDisk:
#define pCapacity 'capa'
#define pEjectable 'isej'
#define pFreeSpace 'frsp'
#define pLocal 'isrv'
#define pIsStartup 'istd'
// Properties of cDesktop:
#define pTrash 'trsh' // Can't use cTrash, and pTrash must == kTrashFolderType
#define pStartupDisk 'sdsk'
// Properties of cTrash:
#define pWarnOnEmpty 'warn'
// Properties of cFinder / cApplication:
#define pAppleMenuItemsFolder 'amnu' // kAppleMenuFolderType
#define pControlPanelsFolder 'ctrl' // kControlPanelFolderType
#define pDesktop 'desk' // Can't use cDesktop, and pDesktop must == kDesktopFolderType
#define pExtensionsFolder 'extn' // kExtensionFolderType
#define pFileShareOn 'fshr'
#define pFileShareStartingUp 'fsup'
#define pFontsFolder 'ffnt'
#define pLargestFreeBlock 'mfre'
#define pPreferencesFolder 'pref' // kPreferencesFolderType
#define pAboutMacintosh 'abbx' // Open this to get 'About this Macintosh' window
#define pShortcuts 'scut' // Finder shortcuts in help menu
#define pShutdownFolder 'shdf'
#define pStartupItemsFolder 'strt' // kStartupFolderType
#define pSystemFolder 'macs' // kSystemFolderType
#define pTemporaryFolder 'temp' // kTemporaryFolderType
#define pTimerItemsFolder 'timf'
#define pViewPreferences 'pvwp' // Finder view preferences ("Views" control panel)
// View preferences properties
#define pViewFont 'vfnt'
#define pViewFontSize 'vfsz'
#define pGridIcons 'fgrd'
#define pListViewIconSize 'lvis'
#define pShowComment 'scom'
#define pShowDate 'sdat'
#define pShowDiskInfo 'sdin'
#define pShowFolderSize 'sfsz'
#define pShowKind 'sknd'
#define pShowLabel 'slbl'
#define pShowSize 'ssiz'
#define pShowVersion 'svrs'
#define pStaggerIcons 'fstg'
// Properties of cPrivilegs
#define pSeeFiles 'prvr'
#define pSeeFolders 'prvs'
#define pMakeChanges 'prvw'
// Properties of cProcess
#define pApplicationFile cApplicationFile
#define pDeskAccessoryFile cDeskAccessoryFile
#define pIsScriptable 'isab'
#define pLocalAndRemoteEvents 'revt'
#define pPartitionSpaceUsed 'pusd'
#define pFolder cFolder
#define pObject cObject
#define pSharableContainer cSharableContainer
#define pSuitcase cSuitcase
#define pFontSuitcase cFontSuitcase
#define pAccessorySuitcase cAccessorySuitcase
// Enumerations defined by the Finder
#define enumViewBy 'vwby'
#define pSmallIcon 'smic'
#define enumGestalt 'gsen'
#define enumConflicts 'cflc'
#define enumExistingItems 'exsi'
// Types defined by the Finder
#define typeIconFamily cIconFamily // An AEList of typeIconAndMask, type8BitIcon, & c.
#define typeIconAndMask 'ICN#'
#define type8BitIcon 'icl8'
#define type4BitIcon 'icl4'
#define typeSmallIconAndMask 'ics#'
#define typeSmall8BitIcon 'ics8'
#define typeSmall4BitIcon 'ics4'
// Keywords defined by the Finder
#define keyIconAndMask 'ICN#'
#define key8BitIcon 'icl8'
#define key4BitIcon 'icl4'
#define keySmallIconAndMask 'ics#'
#define keySmall8BitIcon 'ics8'
#define keySmall4BitIcon 'ics4'
#define keyAEUsing 'usin'
#define keyAEReplacing 'alrp'
// New prepositions used by the Finder
#define keyASPrepositionHas 'has '
#define keyAll 'kyal'
#define keyOldFinderItems 'fsel'
// New key forms used by the Finder
#define formAlias typeAlias
#define formCreator pCreator
// Finder error codes
#define errFinderIsBusy -15260
#define errFinderWindowNotOpen -15261
#define errFinderCannotPutAway -15262
#define errFinderWindowMustBeIconView -15263 // RequireWindowInIconView
#define errFinderWindowMustBeListView -15264 // RequireWindowInListView
#define errFinderCantMoveToDestination -15265
#define errFinderCantMoveSource -15266
#define errFinderCantOverwrite -15267
#define errFinderIncestuousMove -15268
#define errFinderCantMoveToAncestor -15269
#define errFinderCantUseTrashedItems -15270
#define errFinderItemAlreadyInDest -15271 // Move from folder A to folder A
#define errFinderUnknownUser -15272 // Includes unknown group
#define errFinderSharePointsCantInherit -15273
#define errFinderBoundsWrong -15278
#define errAEValueOutOfRange -15279